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Guide to implementing
systems-based approaches
to climate resilient infrastructure

Client: Arcadis-IBI, British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (BC-MOTI), Infrastructure Canada (INFC)


Project Date: 2022-2023


Project Role: Senior Project Advisor; Infrastructure, Climate Change Risks and Adaptation subject matter expert.


This guidebook is intended to be used by climate practitioners; infrastructure planners, engineers and architects; government agencies of all levels; and private organizations to enhance and standardize systems-based approaches (SBA) to climate resilient infrastructure. The risk assessment component of the guidebook is based on the PIEVC Protocol. The PIEVC case study used in guidebook is the Kasabonica Lake First Nation climate risks assessment for which Dr. Félio was the Technical Lead   The guide aims to:

  • Provide readers with an introduction to SBAs,

  • Demonstrate how SBAs can be used to support climate-resilient planning and assessments in practice, with worksheets that show how tools and techniques can be applied, and

  • Incorporate climate resilience into the business case process used to support investment decisions.

As part of the Arcadis-IBI consulting team, Dr. Félio served as a senior advisor as well as infrastructure and climate risks subject matter expert. In particular, he contributed a methodology to assess the impacts of interdependencies on the vulnerability of elements at risks in a system-based approach.

The guidebook and other relevant documents can be found at:


See the Guidebook in action:

The Hot Reality: Cooling as Critical Infrastructure to Survive and Thrive (PDF, 3.4MB) (P. 77-82)

The report used aspects of the guidebook to demonstrate the application of systems-based approaches to identifying and quantify the effect of system dependences on a hypothetical climate risk profile.

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