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1st Canadian Infrastructure Report Card

Clients: Canadian Construction Association; Canadian Public Works Association; Canadian Society for Civil Engineering; Federation of Canadian Municipalities


Project Dates: 2010 – 2012


Project Role: Project Manager; Researcher; Analyst; Lead Author


On contract with a consortium composed of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), the Canadian Construction Association (CCA), the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) and the Canadian Public Works Association (CPWA), to manage the process of creating the first report card on Canada's infrastructure: roads, water systems, storm and wastewater systems.  Developed and used an online survey based on a questionnaire modified from work of Infrastructure Canada's Core Public Infrastructure Advisory Committee and Statistics Canada.  Performed the analysis and validation of the results.


The report card was published in September 2012 and received National attention. The process as well as results from the study were never questioned or criticized, a testimony to the rigorous process used. 


Upon completion, presented the results of the project in a cross-Canada lecture tour in fifteen cities from coast to coast.

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